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1 The National Urban League 2024 Urban League Census An Official Publication of the © National Urban League 2024. All Rights Reserved.2 3 4 NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2024 OFFICERS CHAIRMAN Tim Murphy SENIOR VICE CHAIR The Honorable Alexis M. Herman TREASURER Khary P. Barnes SECRETARY Donna Epps PRESIDENT AND CEO Marc H. Morial National Urban League TRUSTEES Hugh W. Allen Kendrick F. Ashton, Jr. William A. Barnes Keith P. Bethel Tellis Bethel D. Steve Boland LaDonna Bond Jim Casselberry Candi Castleberry Su Chen Vinita Clements David G. Clunie Victor Crawford Halimah Delanie Prado Kristy Fercho Kala Gibson C.D. Glin Shalondan Hollingsheld Yvette Hunsicker David S. Huntley Mark Jacobs Harry E. Johnson, Sr. Darren Jones Brian Lamb Louis B. Lynn, Ph.D. Barry C. McCarthy Sherry A. McFadden Suzet M. McKinney, DRPH, MPH Lamell McMorris Kimberley Moore-Wright J. Brandon Neal Nicholas Perkins Thomas J. Reid Bobby Scott The Honorable Rodney E. Slater Sevetri Wilson Chris Winfrey Glenn T. Wright 5 Message from the President The National Urban League is the largest historic civil rights and urban advocacy organization committed to elevating the standard of living in underserved urban communities through economic empowerment. Since its inception in 1910, the National Urban League has pioneered the efforts of its local Affiliates to bridge economic disparities through the development of programs, public policy, research, and advocacy. Currently, there are 92 Affiliates in 36 states and the District of Columbia, offering various services and advocacy, that directly influence and enhance the lives of more than 3.8 million people nationwide. Dr. King, once said, “those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.” There has been an intentional, concentrated crusade to dismantle diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Our peace must be vocalized and mobilized. Our vow to Defend Democracy, Demand Diversity,and Defeat Poverty, is not merely a battle cry, but a strategic pledge tailored towards the hearts and minds of our most vulnerable communities as well as those who stand in opposition of our cause. We cannot wait. There is too much at stake. Our current political climate is centered around a cloud of uncertainty regarding issues that impact us locally, nationally, and abroad. Still, we stand on the shoulders of giants as we reflect on the legacy of the Urban League Movement and how that has equipped and positioned us for such a time as this. The 2024 Urban League Census demonstrates the sufficiency, durability, and significant impact of these efforts to paint a true picture of the Urban League Movement. This publication’s review of the economic and societal effects of the programs and initiatives of the National Urban League and the Affiliates nationwide provides keen insight into the work ahead, the people we serve, and the communities we empower. Based on the reports from 85 affiliates, the collective economic impact of the programs and operations of the National Urban League and the Affiliate Movement is $996 million. In 2023 our Affiliates galvanized more than 3.8 million lives to excel through their advocacy, research, and public service work. We are indebted to the invaluable research team of Dr. Silas Lee and Dr. Bernard Anderson and their continued commitment to the Urban League mission. Their contribution of data collection and economic analysis made this publication possible and is crucial to depicting the difference that our 92 Affiliates make on lives across the nation. Lastly, I would like to thank and acknowledge the relentless efforts of each Urban League Affiliate for participation in this report and their strong, consistent, strategic leadership to the Urban League Movement. Regardless of the challenges your community faces, you are determined to be at the forefront by creating innovative, solution-oriented results for this great organization. Sincerely, Marc H. Morial President and Chief Executive Officer NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE 6 7 NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE CONSTITUENT LEADERSHIP William A. Barnes President Advisory Council of Executives Su Chen President National Council of Board Members Bobby Scott President National Council of Urban League Guilds Shalondan Hollingshed President National Urban League Young Professionals NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE Marc H. Morial President and CEO Dennis G. Serrette Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Development Officer Danielle Cooper Daughtry General Counsel and Senior Vice President, Legal Affairs Sidney H. Evans, Jr. Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President Finance Wanda H. Jackson Senior Vice President Human Resources Herman L. Lessard, Jr. Senior Vice President Affiliate Services Michael Miller Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President Strategy and Innovation Tara Murray, Esq. Executive Director and Senior Vice President, Policy Institute National Urban League Washington Bureau Cy Richardson Senior Vice President Housing, Workforce and Economic Development Jerika L. Richardson Senior Vice President Equitable Justice & Strategic Initiatives Hal Smith Senior Vice President Education, Youth and Health Care Programs Rhonda Spears Bell Senior Vice President Marketing and Communications Next >